Monday, March 12, 2018

Oregon BBQ Awarded "Small Business of the Year" Award

Oregon Barbecue receives "Small Business of the Year" Award

Last Saturday Night the Oregon Barbecue Company was invited to join the Albany Area Chamber of Commerce for their Annual DSA Banquet (Distinguished Services Award)  held at Albany's YMCA  as nominees for the Small Business of the Year Award. "Just being mentioned in the same breath as these other companies who've done so much for our community is an incredible honor," said Nathan Pendley, owner of the Oregon Barbecue Company.

The event was a night filled with food, fun, live entertainment, inspiration, and of course awards. "No matter what happens here tonight, the real winner is the City of Albany and all of its incredible citizens," Pendley went on to say. "Just take a look around the room here, Albany is so fortunate to have such amazing people that care so much about the community and the families that reside here. What an incredible thing to be a part of." He was speaking of the room filled with compassionate, caring individuals and businesses who believe that their success is about much more than just themselves. The air was thick and filled with a sense of duty, a sense of pride in helping each other and helping their community blossom for years to come.

As the night began it was easy to spot that the boys from the Oregon Barbecue Company or OBC, as they are often referred to as, were excited yet a bit nervous about what lied ahead for them that night. Grateful for just being nominated it was clear that the Boys wanted to win. "We really wanted this one for our OBC Family," said Pendley. "We've got a lot of younger impressionable men and women in our Family and we are trying to instill in them that our company, as well as ourselves, are here for a much larger purpose. They've done such an amazing job at embracing the OBC Culture and truly putting others before themselves, so we really wanted this one to give them confirmation and recognition of how special of a group they are, and to show them that they are having a major impact on other peoples lives with what they are doing." 

When the category for Small Business of the Year approached the tables were set as the nominees began to be read aloud. Each nominee's list of accomplishments, programs helped within the community, and commitment towards making Albany a better place to live were announced over the loud speaker. Then, the time to open the envelope and disclose this years recipient arrived, and as last years winner removed its contents she read from the card into the microphone... "The Oregon Barbecue Company!"

"We are so thankful and very humbled to receive this years award" said Pendley. "We will represent Albany and our community with pride as we continue to reach out and help more programs, more families, and more people with every step of growth that we make.... we feel like we aren't just in the BBQ business... we are in the business of people and relationships, and we cant wait to continue making an impact on the lives of others!.. Thank you so much to everyone who has supported us with open arms and open hearts... we truly live in an amazing community here in Albany and it is a continual pleasure getting to serve all of the great people in it."

The Oregon Barbecue Company vows to continue to reach out and make an impact on the communities that they serve and state that they're always looking for new ways to get involved. Congratulations to all of this years recipients and nominees at the DSA Award Banquet for everything that they've done and continue to do for Albany and its surrounding areas.. You all are what makes Albany the great city that its become. To many more years of serving others... "Come and Get 'Ya Some!"

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